Wednesday, September 14, 2005

RAGE at the injustice

Rage! RAGE, ragerageragerage! F*ck, f*ck, f*ck!!!

She’s done this before! She did this before and walked away! She walked away without so much as a ticket. You and Lilly don’t even have the distinction of being the first people Major Rojas has plowed her car into. 5 years ago in San Antonio just after she makes captain she was DUI and paralyzed a 19-year-old squid. Ran his ass right over in a crosswalk at 17:30 in the f*cking afternoon! She nearly kills a kid and gets nothing but a broken finger. How did this happen? How? Instead of a tour in the stockade she went under house arrest in her posh quarters on the hill. Who is she? Who does she know. What dirt on a MG does she hold? Whose dick did she suck? God dammit! F*ck, f*ck , f*ck, f*ck! Who do I blow to put two clicks behind her left f*cking ear? its so unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll find out, you just wait and see. I’ll find out and tell the f*cking world. God, please let her die! No! no, let her sit in a f*cking jail dreaming of my family bleeding to death on the hiway like I do!!!!!!!!


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